We are
- using a variety of permaculture and biodynamic land care practices we are developing and maintaining habitat for pollinators, birds and other wildlife.
- working with the topography of the land to construct swales on contour to capture and use water more efficiently.
- focusing on growing perennial food producing plants and medicinal herbs.
- harvesting wild medicine plants in a sustainable manner.
- composting at different scales and in a variety of ways.
- transforming a desolate electrical right-of-way corridor into a diverse habitat-rich environment for pollinators, wildlife and medicinal herbs.
- We’re proud to have been recognized by the following programs:
- Certified Wildlife Habitat through National Wildlife Federation. Recognizes properties with the four basic elements needed for wildlife to thrive: food, water, cover and places to raise young.
- Advanced Certified Bird-Friendly Habitat through National Wildlife Federation. Recognizes properties that provide habitat elements needed for birds to thrive.
- Certified Pollinator Habitat by Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Recognizes areas planted with pollinator-friendly flowers and is protected from pesticides to provide valuable habitat for bees and other pollinators.
- Certified Bee Friendly Farm by Pollinator Partnership. Recognizes farms providing a variety of habitat for bees including plants blooming throughout the growing season and integrated pest management practices that reduce or eliminate the use of chemicals.
- Certified Botanical Sanctuary by United Plant Savers. Our farm belongs to the United Plant Savers Botanical Sanctuary Network, a network of medicinal botanical sanctuaries throughout North America. Botanical sanctuaries not only serve as depositories for ‘at risk’ North American medicinal plants, but also serve as educational centers for plant conservation and organic cultivation.